A Complete View of Any Location in One Dashboard

Combine Placer.ai's analytics with partner datasets to gain a comprehensive view into places, markets, & customers

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United States Census Bureau

U.S. resident population insights based on the ACS

Advanced Demographics and Population insights

Experian Mosaic

Household-based consumer lifestyle segments


Human behavior derived from social data by location

Identify consumer demand and supply gaps

Counting your trade areas' businesses and employees

Consumer spending habits and price potential

Real-world customer purchasing preferences

Segment customers by lifestyle attitudes

Consumer spending habits and price potential

Advanced population and demographic data

Accommodation demand from business travelers and tourists

Healthcare demand and hospital stays by procedure/category

Consumer preferences and buying patterns

Consumer spending habits and price potential

Environmental characteristics and major weather risks

Risk of crimes by type of activity

Employee estimates and business activities

Niche Logo

Assess an area’s livability


Neighborhood characteristics by website visitation


United States Census Bureau

U.S. resident population insights based on the ACS

Advanced Demographics and Population insights

Experian Mosaic

Household-based consumer lifestyle segments

Counting your trade areas' businesses and employees

Real-world customer purchasing preferences

Advanced population and demographic data

Employee estimates and business activities

Accommodation demand from business travelers and tourists

Niche Logo

Assess an area’s livability


Advanced Demographics and Population insights

Identify consumer demand and supply gaps

Consumer spending habits and price potential

Real-world customer purchasing preferences

Segment customers by lifestyle attitudes

Consumer spending habits and price potential

Healthcare demand and hospital stays by procedure/category

Consumer preferences and buying patterns

Consumer spending habits and price potential

Social Data


Human behavior derived from social data by location

Market Demand

Advanced Demographics and Population insights

Identify consumer demand and supply gaps

Consumer spending habits and price potential

Real-world customer purchasing preferences

Consumer spending habits and price potential

Accommodation demand from business travelers and tourists

Healthcare demand and hospital stays by procedure/category


Neighborhood analysis by online demand


Counting your trade areas' businesses and employees

Advanced population and demographic data

Employee estimates and business activities

Niche Logo

Assess an area’s livability


Environmental characteristics and major weather risks


Risk of crimes by type of activity

Niche Logo

Assess an area’s livability


Risk of crimes by type of activity

Niche Logo

Assess an area’s livability


Neighborhood characteristics by website visitation

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